Son Sayı

Sayı: 112 Kış 2025


Yıldız Kocasavaş, Hülya Aşkın Balcı & Selen Özcivanoğlu
Bibliometric Analysis of bilig from 2008 to 2022

Sharifa Giritlioglu
A Comparative Analysis of the Energy Policies of China and Russia in Kazakhstan

Türker Batmaz
Dynamic Interrelationships among Energy Prices, Exchange Rates, and Inflation: An Empirical Analysis for the Turkic Republics

Emin Salihi & Hakan Mehmetcik
Institutionalization of Relationship and Voting Cohesion: A Case Study of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) at the UN General Assembly

Gıyas Şüküroğlu
Theatrical Guests of the Occupied Capital: Istanbul Tour of Azerbaijan Turkish Drama-Operetta Troupe

Abdur Rahman Fuad
Debates on the Emergence of Islam in Bengal through the Arab-Turkish Existence

Mustafa Kalkan & Sayime Durmaz
Belhli Sarı Kıpçak’a Ait Ünik Felsin Bağımsızlık Delili Olarak Değerlendirilmesi