Sayı: 79 Güz'16/15 Temmuz Darbe Teşebbüsü ve Türkiye Demokrasisi Özel Sayısı

Bilal Karabulut
15 Temmuz ve Türk Ulusal Kimliğinin Uyanışı: Konstrüktivist Teori Perspektifinde Bir Analiz

Ayşe Sözen Usluer
The July 15 Failed Coup Attempt and Its Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy

Giray Saynur Derman & Hande Oba
Making a Determination from the Operational Code of a New and Influential Actor: President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Erhan İçener
Turkey – EU Relations after the Failed July 15 Coup Attempt

Salih Zeki Haklı
The Rethinking of the July 15 Coup Attemp on Bureaucratic Communitarianism in Turkey

Zeyneb Çağlıyan İçener
July 15: The Siege of Democracy in Turkey and the People’s Unprecedented Resistance

Nurettin Güz & Gülsen Saray
Ak Parti Hükûmetlerinin Nükleer Enerji Politikalarının Türk Basınında Tartışılması (2000-2016 Dönemi)

Atilla Yayla
On Turkey’s Classical Revolution of July 15

Mustafa Uluçakar & Ali Çağlar
Turkish Professional Military Education and Civilian Control

Cennet Uslu
Why Did People Become Human Shields Against The Coup?

Devrim Özkan & Buğra Kalkan
Structuring the Perception Through Media: The US and the UK Press on 2015 Turkish Parliamentary Elections

Mehmet Evkuran
On The Nympholept Mahdy and His Blocked Victory “An Inquiry on the Politic- Theology of a Conversion”

Haluk Alkan
15 Temmuz’u Anlamak: Parametreler ve Sonuçlar

Selim Kayhan & Muhsin Kar
Resilience of the Turkish Financial System to Failed Coup Attempt